lunes, 28 de marzo de 2011

Lets Go Ines!

Hey everybody I have a good news from Mexico and the latin beauty.
Ines Saenz the mexican sports journalist is in a competion to be the most sexy woman in the world, and she is doing a great participation, just because Ines defeat people like Rihanna with a 82 per cent in the votation.

Now Ines is on the 8 finalist to be the most sexy in the world then next competion is on tuesday and she will be against Erin Andrews an american journalist that defeat Katy Perry with a 58 percent, so, Ines has a lot of opportunity to win the next challenge.

Ines wrote in his twitter that she is surprised since the nomination in the 64 finalist and then be in the 8 is so amazing for her, and is thanking to all the mexican people that suppor her with every vote.

if you want to vote, and support the mexican beauty with Ines Saenz just enter in the next website. 

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